Award winning tool for creating timetables for primary/secondary schools with unique automatic generator. Easy to use. This timetables application lets you enter all subjects, forms, classrooms, teachers and their contracts. It is possible to unite more forms into one lesson or to have more teachers for one lesson. You can select the exact time period for each subject, form, classroom and teacher; when the lesson can be taught, respectively the classroom is free or the teacher can teach.
Award winning tool for creating timetables for primary/secondary schools with unique automatic generator. Easy to use. This timetables application lets you enter all subjects, forms, classrooms, teachers and their contracts. It is possible to unite more forms into one lesson or to have more teachers for one lesson. You can select the exact time period for each subject, form, classroom and teacher; when the lesson can be taught, respectively the classroom is free or the teacher can teach.
Simple data entry
It is quick and easy to enter all subjects, classes, classrooms, teachers and their contracts. The application also enables creating all specific divisions of classes into groups. It is possible to unite more classes into one lesson or to have more teachers for one lesson.
The tutorial is an important part of the program. Mr. Schoolover will teach you how to enter data, generate, verify and print timetables.
Automatic generating
In few minutes, the program generates a complete timetable that fulfils all your requirements. The program follows all psycho hygienic and organizational requirements such as:
* The minimization of gaps in teachers' schedules, the limitation of maximal number of gaps in teachers' schedules, as well as the limitation of days, when teachers teach.
* Classes of a subject has to be distributed equably in the entire week.
* Verification of succession of entire and divided classes.
* Placing lessons into allowed classrooms.
* And many more.
Verification of the timetable
The program verifies the data entered and helps you remove standard entry errors. It also verifies, whether the created timetable fulfils all conditions. You can make changes to the timetable, and the program notifies you, in case of illegal changes.
Link 1: AscTimeTables v2006
Link 2: AscTimeTables v2006
Award winning tool for creating timetables for primary/secondary schools with unique automatic generator. Easy to use. This timetables application lets you enter all subjects, forms, classrooms, teachers and their contracts. It is possible to unite more forms into one lesson or to have more teachers for one lesson. You can select the exact time period for each subject, form, classroom and teacher; when the lesson can be taught, respectively the classroom is free or the teacher can teach.
Simple data entry
It is quick and easy to enter all subjects, classes, classrooms, teachers and their contracts. The application also enables creating all specific divisions of classes into groups. It is possible to unite more classes into one lesson or to have more teachers for one lesson.
The tutorial is an important part of the program. Mr. Schoolover will teach you how to enter data, generate, verify and print timetables.
Automatic generating
In few minutes, the program generates a complete timetable that fulfils all your requirements. The program follows all psycho hygienic and organizational requirements such as:
* The minimization of gaps in teachers' schedules, the limitation of maximal number of gaps in teachers' schedules, as well as the limitation of days, when teachers teach.
* Classes of a subject has to be distributed equably in the entire week.
* Verification of succession of entire and divided classes.
* Placing lessons into allowed classrooms.
* And many more.
Verification of the timetable
The program verifies the data entered and helps you remove standard entry errors. It also verifies, whether the created timetable fulfils all conditions. You can make changes to the timetable, and the program notifies you, in case of illegal changes.
Memenangkan penghargaan alat untuk membuat jadwal untuk dasar / sekolah menengah dengan generator otomatis unik. Mudah digunakan. Aplikasi ini memungkinkan Anda memasukkan jadwal semua mata pelajaran, bentuk, ruang kelas, guru dan kontrak mereka. Hal ini dimungkinkan untuk menyatukan bentuk-bentuk yang lebih menjadi satu pelajaran atau untuk memiliki lebih banyak guru untuk satu pelajaran. Anda dapat memilih jangka waktu yang tepat untuk setiap mata pelajaran, bentuk, kelas dan guru, ketika pelajaran dapat diajarkan, masing-masing kelas adalah bebas atau guru dapat mengajar.
Entri data sederhana
Hal ini cepat dan mudah untuk memasukkan semua mata pelajaran, kelas, ruang kelas, guru dan kontrak mereka. Aplikasi ini juga memungkinkan membuat semua divisi khusus dari kelas-kelas dalam kelompok-kelompok. Hal ini dimungkinkan untuk menyatukan kelas lebih menjadi satu pelajaran atau untuk memiliki lebih banyak guru untuk satu pelajaran.
Tutorial adalah bagian penting dari program ini. Mr Schoolover akan mengajarkan cara untuk memasukkan data, menghasilkan, memverifikasi dan mencetak jadwal.
Otomatis menghasilkan
Dalam beberapa menit, program ini menghasilkan jadwal lengkap yang memenuhi semua persyaratan Anda. Program ini berikut semua persyaratan higienis dan organisasi psiko seperti:
* The minimalisasi kesenjangan dalam jadwal guru, pembatasan jumlah maksimal dari kesenjangan dalam jadwal guru, serta keterbatasan hari, saat mengajar guru.
Kelas * dari subjek harus didistribusikan equably dalam seluruh minggu.
* Verifikasi suksesi dari seluruh kelas dan dibagi.
* Menempatkan pelajaran ke dalam ruang kelas diperbolehkan.
* Dan masih banyak lagi.
Verifikasi jadwal
Program memverifikasi data yang dimasukkan dan membantu Anda menghapus kesalahan entri standar. Hal ini juga verifikasi, apakah memenuhi jadwal menciptakan segala kondisi. Anda dapat membuat perubahan pada jadwal, dan program akan memberitahu Anda, dalam hal perubahan ilegal.
Link 1: AscTimeTables v2006
Link 2: AscTimeTables v2006

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1 komentar:
Thanks for share it bro.
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